- For which day? 哪一天?
- From which day and for how many nights? 从什么时候开始入住?
- Which day paid with the life for own vainglory, he honest forever! 哪天为自己的虚荣送了命,他就永远老实了!
- Wangled a job for which she had no training. 骗取了一个她根本没有受过有关方面训练的工作
- Which day would be convenient for you? We'd be glad if you could come. 您什么时候有时间?你要是能来我们非常高兴。
- She ask which day will suit him. 她问哪一天对他合适。
- Thanks a lot for your reminding me of which day I am lazy, my calendar! 非常感谢您提醒我哪天变懒了,我的日历!
- Enclosed we hand you a cheque for$1,200,000, for which kindly send a receipt. 兹同函奉上1,200, 000元支票一张,敬请开出收据为荷。
- Which day would you like to depart? 您要买哪一天的机票?
- She never found the peace for which she longed. 她渴望宁静,但总得不到。
- He never found the peace for which he longed. 他从没找到他渴望的和平。
- She asked which day would suit him. 她问哪一天对他合适。
- The Buddha asked vaguely: Which day? 佛茫然问到:哪一天?
- For which subject do I need the most study time? 哪门课程需要复习的时间最多?
- Sander Westerveld left LFC for which club? 桑德尔·维斯特维德离开利物浦去了哪个俱乐部?
- Peter's work always gives satisfaction for which he has been promoted twice in a matter at less than two years. 彼得的工作总是令人满意,为此,在不到两年时间里他被两次提升。
- Which way(= for which party)are you going to vote? 你打算投哪边的票?
- Our goal is the new China for which they died. 我们的目标就是他们为之牺牲的新中国。
- The name of the role for which to check membership. 要检查其成员资格的角色的名称。
- Calculates on which day of the month a specified date occurs. 计算指定日期出现在月中的哪一天。